Jules Predicts, 2008

Jules Predicts 2008 It‚Äôs easy to predict the past; we‚Äôre all expert at that. And it‚Äôs not that hard to predict the distant future: events intervene, nature interrupts, people forget. Ah, but predicting the near future ‚Äî that‚Äôs where the game gets rough. And that‚Äôs why so few experts risk it. I’m no expert. I’m… Continue reading Jules Predicts, 2008

Jules Predicts: Hillary’s Veep. Two down, two wrong.

So. I predicted Donald Trump would not pick a nationally known political figure, and he did. Then I predicted Hillary ‚Ķ see below. I thought she‚Äôd choose one of the Castro brothers or Cory Booker, thus sealing the Latino and/or Black vote. Instead, she picked a white guy, a moderate Democrat who‚Äôs well known and… Continue reading Jules Predicts: Hillary’s Veep. Two down, two wrong.