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Jules has a new kid’s book, Special Ed and the White Force. It’s published by Bunny Farm Press, a new imprint of Three Ravens Publishing. It’s in paperback, hardcover and digital editions. Special Ed and his new pals, AmberII and WillowII, have to save the world from the evil (but maybe not-so-smart) White Force … or die trying.

Special Ed and the White Force is on Amazon, Apple Books, Goodreads and a bookstore near you. (If they don’t yet have it, they’ll order it for you.)

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“I’d be careful of that one if I were you.”

These are the first words Ed hears when he finds himself in a different … a different what? Place? Planet? Dream? The future? Mr. Earle, explains, “Ed, you’re inhabiting two dimensions. One at a time, but you’re able to cross between them. Not many can do that, but you can. That’s why you’re Special. Understand?”

Ed doesn’t understand, not yet. He’s kinda’ busy dodging Pineapplers, EvilBalls, Triflamers and other deadly critters in this new dimension. Eventually, he gets that the reason he’s here is to save not just his family, not just his town, but Planet Earth from an evil presence.

Can Ed and his allies, the identical twins AmberII and WillowII, survive to destroy the White Force?