Jules Predicts
AND here we ago again. For the third time, I’m prognosticating about the near future. Here are this year‚Äôs five predictions ‚Äî five in five days ‚Äî about America‚Äôs economy and politics.
- Homeward Bound In both previous predictions, I said that despite expert opinion to the contrary, I believed falling housing prices had yet to hit bottom. I now predict… exactly the same. For the next 12 months, prices will continue to fall. To see all predictions past, logon http://julespredicts.blogspot.com
home prices lowest since 2002: http://money.cnn.com/2012/04/24/real_estate/home-prices/?source=cnn_bin
- Sarah‚Äôs Future She’s the hottest ticket in American politics. Her books are selling out, her tweets are breathlessly reported, and in Republican primaries, she’s backed the winning candidate time after time after time. Yet I predict that Sarah Louise Palin will not be the Republican candidate for President in the next election. To see all predictions past, logon http://julespredicts.blogspot.com
- Meg’s Game Plan Margaret Cushing Whitman, the fourth richest woman in California, has spent more of her own money running for governor than any candidate has ever spent running for any office in history. Win or lose, I predict her real goal will be revealed during the next presidential elections, when she will put her name forward as the candidate for Vice President of the United States. Who will be her running mate? Stay tuned. To see all predictions past, logon http://julespredicts.blogspot.com
- The Republican Candidate Rudy is speechifying all over the place. Sarah is omnipresent in the media. Mike has his own show on Fox. Yet, I predict the next Republican candidate for President of the United States will be Willard Mitt Romney. Will he win? Tell you tomorrow. To see all predictions past, logon http://julespredicts.blogspot.com
- Hail to the Chief His approval ratings have sunk and are still sinking. He‚Äôs taking flak from the Left, being carpet bombed by the Right. He’s about to lose some of his chief advisors. Yet, I predict‚Ķ should he choose to run, the winner of the next presidential election will be none other than Barack Hussein Obama. To see all predictions past, logon http://julespredicts.blogspot.com
If you have predictions of your own, I’d love to hear ‚Äòem.
— jules