FOR SOME TIME NOW, I’ve been thinking of starting a list for writers and writers only. We share so many pleasures and privations, sometimes I just feel like sharing mine and hearing yours.

But ‚Äúthinking of starting‚Äù is a long, long walk from ‚Äústarting.‚Äù Today I’m taking the walk. Why now? It‚Äôs thanks to Maine writer Hilary Nangle, who pointed me to this:

Harlan Ellison

It’s a brief film clip from American novelist/short story writer/screenwriter/et al Harlan Ellison. In it, he’s talking clearly and profanely about Paying the Writer. Hilary loved it. I loved it. It moved me to take the walk.

I don’t anticipate that WRITER’S LIFEGUARD will only be about getting paid and protecting rights. It’s not just a writer’s whine. But this sure feels like a good place to start.

Miranda Moment: If you want off this list, just say so. No shame, no pain. If you want to invite somebody on, great… as long as you get their permission first.

That’s it.

In the unlikely event you haven’t guessed who‚Äôs behind this, yeah, it‚Äôs me, Jules Older, in San Francisco.

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