Jules Predicts And the winner is …

  Jules Predicts Although early polls declare Clinton and Trump to be in a dead heat, I predict that the clear and decisive winner of the 2016 presidential election will be ‚Ķ Hillary Rodham Clinton. But ‚Ķ And another PS, this time from Hugh Clarkson in New Zealand: I predict that the Don will pick… Continue reading Jules Predicts And the winner is …

Jules Predicts Hillary’s Veep

I predict that Hillary Clinton‚Äôs choice for vice president will be male and ethnic, either Black or Hispanic. Probably Hispanic. Maybe sharing a name with a revolutionary or a former slave. PS I’ve enjoyed and appreciated your many replies, and there’s one I just have to share. It‚Äôs from Erin Caslavka in northern California. In… Continue reading Jules Predicts Hillary’s Veep

Jules Predicts Trump’s 2nd

Jules Predicts While his former Republican rivals, even those he most brutally mocked (‚ÄúRick Perry should be forced to take an IQ test before being allowed to enter the GOP debate.‚Äù ‚ÄúLittle Marco Rubio is just another politician that is all talk and no action.‚Äù), are shouting ‚ÄúChoose me! Choose me!‚Äù I predict that Donald… Continue reading Jules Predicts Trump’s 2nd

Jules Predicts: Guns and Florida

Jules¬†Predicts? Four times now (most recently in 2012),¬†I‚Äôve¬†made five predictions¬†about¬†events in the not-too-distant future. Starting¬†tomorrow,¬†you‚Äôll¬†see my predictions and be able to judge their correctness, or lack, thereof. ‚Äjules PS¬†I‚Äôd intended to end there, but given today‚Äôs event in Orlando,¬†Florida,¬†I‚Äôll make one more prediction. Despite¬†the¬†mass murder of¬†Americans¬†by a self-declared enemy of¬†America, the state of¬†Florida¬†will impose not… Continue reading Jules Predicts: Guns and Florida