Jules Predicts: Hillary’s Veep. Two down, two wrong.

So. I predicted Donald Trump would not pick a nationally known political figure, and he did. Then I predicted Hillary ‚Ķ see below. I thought she‚Äôd choose one of the Castro brothers or Cory Booker, thus sealing the Latino and/or Black vote. Instead, she picked a white guy, a moderate Democrat who‚Äôs well known and… Continue reading Jules Predicts: Hillary’s Veep. Two down, two wrong.

Jules Predicts Hillary’s Veep

I predict that Hillary Clinton‚Äôs choice for vice president will be male and ethnic, either Black or Hispanic. Probably Hispanic. Maybe sharing a name with a revolutionary or a former slave. PS I’ve enjoyed and appreciated your many replies, and there’s one I just have to share. It‚Äôs from Erin Caslavka in northern California. In… Continue reading Jules Predicts Hillary’s Veep