Jules Predicts FIRST DAY: Guns

That didn’t take long. On October 9, I made my first prediction of 2017. Here’s how it read:


I predict that on or before September 1, 2019, there will be more mass shootings on American soil. I further predict that the American government will do nothing of significance to curb this mayhem and loss of life. I further predict that the congressmen who took no action will be rewarded for their lack of action, not only by the National Rifle Association but by their constituents, who will re-elect them.

Now, on Sunday, November 5, less than a month later, a lone gunman with an assault rifle murdered more than 25 parishioners, including young children, in a Texas church. He’d been bad-conduct discharged from the air force for assaults against his wife and child, spent a year in the brig, and he proudly posted a photo of himself brandishing an assault rifle on his Facebook page. Still, he was able to fill his vehicle with deadly weapons.

I could wait until Congress or the President or the Texas legislature acts, but I feel 100% safe concluding in advance that they won’t do a thing. Other than say they are praying. Or proclaim, as President Trump, has already done, the standard mass-shooting sound loop, It‚Äôs too early to talk about gun control. Here are his words: ‚ÄúIt isn‚Äôt a guns situation but a mental health problem at the highest level. But this isn‚Äôt a guns situation. I mean, we could go into it, but it‚Äôs a little bit soon to go into it.‚Äù

Yes. Just as I predicted ‚Äî easily, if angrily, predicted. After all, politicians did nothing after the murders of elementary school children, college students, cafeteria diners, movie goers, concert goers, party goers, other church goers. They’ll do nothing now.

Three notes:

As I watched the early reports on CBS, NBC and ABC, I heard not a single word about gun control.

What I did hear was that the first person who was blamed for the murders was a Black American seeking revenge for the earlier murders in a Black church in Tennessee. In fact, that crime and this were committed by armed Caucasians.

And finally, here’s how the Dallas News responded to the politicians‚Äô non-response: https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/11/05/talk-gun-control-now-sutherland-springs-will-never-talk



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